Treating High Blood Pressure

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Enalapril, a vasodilator, is commonly used in combination with other drugs to treat hypertension (high blood pressure).

Treating High Blood Pressure dangerous situation may

High blood pressure increases the load on the heart and other arteries. When it persists for long periods of time, these arteries and heart cannot function properly.

If the heart does not get the oxygen and nutrients that it needs to beat and pump blood to the rest of the body, it can become damaged and begin to cause various kinds of cardiovascular diseases. When the heart does not receive enough blood, it does not have the ability to do the work it is intended to do, such as pumping blood out of arteries to carry it to the lungs and to perform the functions necessary for respiration. It may also not be able to pump blood back into the same areas of the body where it was supposed to go.

Venous disease is one example of this, which is caused by blockages in the veins of arteries. If the arteries do not get enough blood, they may become swollen or enlarged. If this happens, blood cannot flow freely in and out of these arteries and a dangerous situation may develop, causing a stroke or heart attack. Enalapril, like other vasodilators, is an antioxidant that reduces free radicals in the blood and helps to prevent inflammation in the artery walls, thereby reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is more common among African-Americans and those who are overweight. It is estimated that in the U.S., one in three African-Americans and one in four overweight persons have hypertension. The effects of hypertension on other organs and the individual person vary, but in general, it is caused by clogged arteries and other factors.

The primary reason for hypertension is high cholesterol levels in the blood. Blood vessels that are naturally flexible can become stiff and narrowed because of years of high cholesterol levels, particularly triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol levels. High blood pressure is a condition in which the blood’s normal pressure exceeds 180/100 mmHg. for at least six months.

Treating High Blood Pressure hypertension on other

Blood clots, which are usually composed of fat cells, can develop in the arteries and start to interfere with normal blood circulation, creating a feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, pain, and even nausea.

Other cardiovascular diseases that can occur as a result of hypertension include cardiac arrhythmia and irregular heart beats. arterial clots, narrowing of arteries and the veins around them, congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney and liver diseases, nerve and muscle degeneration, and neurocardiogenic diseases of the heart, and atherosclerosis. Stroke is usually the last consequence.

Even though heart attacks can occur at any age, they tend to happen to people in their middle age. People who are obese or smokers are at greater risk. If someone is having heart problems or having high blood pressure, enalapril can help reduce the risk of a heart attack and in some patients even prevent it.

Enalapril also has been found to be helpful in preventing coronary heart disease and heart attacks. Studies suggest that taking it as prescribed reduces the risk of developing clots in the artery walls. Enalapril works by relaxing the smooth muscle walls of the arteries and this reduces the risk of blood clots, which clog up the arteries.

Enalapril can also help reduce high blood pressure in individuals who have a family history of cardiovascular problems. Some studies have indicated that taking this type of drug lowers blood pressure in people with mild hypertension and in individuals at high risk for coronary heart disease. While this drug does not prevent or cure cardiovascular disease, it does have some potential in helping those who suffer from these ailments.

Enalapril can help reduce the symptoms of an existing heart attack, such as shortness of breath and chest pain. Some patients also say that taking the drug can help reduce the symptoms associated with a heart attack. Taking the drug also helps to relieve the pain felt in the chest and around the chest wall and helps patients relax.

Some people are concerned that enalapril can cause some adverse side effects with regard to some forms of cardiovascular disease. If you have a family history of cancer, have had surgery for a heart attack or other heart problem, or are at high risk for a heart attack, talk with your doctor about the possible interactions of enalapril with these medications and other medicines you are taking.

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